I’m a nature work group

Do you organise nature workdays to remove saplings and shrubs? More Trees Now is interested in all types of trees and shrubs, except invasive exotics, from knee to man height, to be removed with roots. We are also looking for cuttings of figs, willows, elders and poplars. Read on to give your trees a second chance!


More Trees Now looks at nature differently, and nature produces millions of seedlings every year. We collect saplings from places where their chances of survival are poor, or where they grow in excess. A rowan tree too close to the path, a tree growing on the moors or a forest where beech takes over: undesirable for one person, but someone else would love to plant it! These are now growing in thousands of backyards, farmyards and start-up food forests. Apart from thousands of volunteers, More Trees Now also works with provinces, municipalities, estates, foresters and green space managers. This way, together, we make the Earth greener faster and cheaper!


On the national Nature work day volunteers flock into the countryside to help with nature management. During this nationwide actions we can  cooperate, because all the young uprooted trees and shrubs that are not invasive exotics, we would like to transplant! Where the birch, hawthorn or bramble is not wanted in one place, another is eager for it! So let’s join forces to help out and give seedlings a second chance


  1. Contact the region coordinator in your area. Agree with him/her where and when your seedlings will be collected. It is also useful to make an estimate of how many trees you expect to dig up. You don’t have to be very precise, but the difference between 500 and 2,000 makes a big difference in arranging transport.
  2. Bundle the seedlings, slips or cuttings preferably in 20 or 50 per species. This is easier to move, but it is not a requirement. If they cannot be collected the same day, put the roots in water, e.g. in a ditch, or shovel earth over them (i.e. ensilage, ‘heel’). That way they are safe until they can be collected.
  3. You have discussed the location where the trees can be collected with the region coordinator beforehand. Will they be collected a day later? Afterwards, let us know how many trees have been collected. That way the region coordinator knows how many they have to take into account for transport. That’s it! The saplings are on their way to a new location.

Questions? E-mail to info@viteplusdarbres.fr



The Trees Planner of More Trees Now gives you access to a whole network of volunteers, Tree Hubs and planting sites that are eager to further green our land(s)!

  1. Create a profile in the Tree Planner. You fill in where you will carry out management activities, also called a ‘harvest location’.
  2. Your profile/account now contains all the information about your venue. Now click on Add Event and fill in the details. Volunteers and plant locations within a radius of 25 km will now be automatically notified that they can come and help you and can sign up immediately.
  3. Make an appointment to have your seedlings collected.  Contact the region coordinator in your area or a Tree Hub via the Tree Planner.
  4. Bundle and label that day’s uprooted seedlings and collected cuttings by species. Bundles of 20 or 50 are most convenient.
  5. In most cases, it is logistically very convenient to first pit the saplings on site, or put them in water with the roots. Then they can also be collected a day later if necessary. Done – the seedlings are ready to go to a new destination!

Questions? E-mail to info@viteplusdarbres.fr